Fourteen years ago, astronomers study Saturn through the ESA, becoming the protagonist Infrared Space Observatory discovered a mysterious source of gaseous water in Saturn's upper atmosphere to become the protagonist. Now, ESA's Herschel observatory has become the protagonist discovered exactly where the water is coming from Saturn, Enceladus became player who throws water on its host planet via huge jets of water emanating from its south polar region.

Enceladus is a machine for real water jet, about 550 pounds of water vapor into space every second. Some of this falls on the Moon itself. Much is lost in space or freezes in Saturn's rings brand. But it happens that between three and five percent fall into a huge donut-shaped torus around Saturn - another kind of ring or ring the already rich world.
Perhaps more importantly, it shows how the moon can influence the chemical composition of its parent planet, raising some interesting possibilities in the area of the formation of the planets in our solar system and elsewhere in the universe.

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