TRMM satellite owned by Space Agency (NASA) described the magnitude of Hurricane Irene in the Bahamas. This storm occurred in a span of hundreds of miles from north to south in the chain of islands, seen hit the Bahamas, a country that consists of 29 islands, 661 coral islands, and 2387 this small island.
From the name, or a satellite TRMM Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, a satellite to monitor rainfall in the tropics. However, these satellites are also monitoring the humidity of water vapor due to hurricane Irene. According to NASA's TRMM satellite also has the ability to know the level of rainfall, heavy clouds, and hot clouds that serve as the heating of the storm.
Hurricane Irene struck the Bahamas on Friday morning, and continued to move north toward the east coast of the United States. Irene including devastating category 3 storm, with winds reaching 115 miles per hour.

NASA later said the satellite passed overhead TRRM Irene since Tuesday, and took some pictures which could give some detailed information. For example, Hurricane Irene did not appear to have 'eyes', or a circular area (cyclone) on tropical storms, which tend to have low wind speed and clear air that surrounds it.
However, when the TRMM pass for the second time at 11:42 o'clock yesterday, 'eye' hurricane Irene in sight. This is because the storm intensified further distributed to the middle and pressure from the center of the storm getting poured. This is an indication of Hurricane Irene will add speed, and kedahsyatannya category 4.
Although Irene is still counted more than 200 miles south of Florida, but its presence increasingly felt threatened. Even The Boston Globe reported, cloud bands (cloud coil) formed Hurricane Irene has been seen in Biscayne Bay, Miami today.
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