1. Petra, Jordan

2. Al-Hijr, Saudi Arabia
Di antara situs paling terkenal Arab Saudi arsitektur adalah Al Hijr, juga dikenal sebagai Madain Saleh. Bagian depan tempat tinggal di Al Hijr telah diukir di gunung batu pasir kadang-kadang di milenium kedua SM. Al Hijr - yang secara harfiah berarti 'tempat berbatu' - diyakini telah dihuni oleh Nabataeans dan Tsamud. Ini fitur sumur air, makam monumental awet, prasasti dan gambar gua.
3. Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela, Ethiopia
The most amazing structure is carved out of stone churches of Lalibela, Ethiopia. 11 rock hewn churches have each carved from a single block of granite with a roof at ground level. 12th-century King Lalibela commissioned the churches with the goal of creating a New Jerusalem for those who can not make the pilgrimage to the original city. Each church was created by a wide ditch carved on all four sides of the rock and painstakingly carving out the interior. The largest among them stood as high as 40 meters.
4. Abu Simbel Nubian Monuments, Egypt
Four colossal statues of ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II, Abu Simbel doorman, a temple cut from the sandstone cliffs above the Nile. Commissioned by Ramses himself, the temple facing the east so that twice a year, the sun's rays reach into the innermost sanctuary, illuminating the statues of Ptah, Amun-Re, Ramesses II and Re-Horakhty. Complex entirely removed from its original setting in 1960 to avoid flooding when Lake Nasser was created.
5. Goa Gajah, Elephant Cave Temple, Bali
Gojah goa, Goa Gajah, Bali is one of the most historical sites significant. Cave seems partly destroyed by natural disasters time, and go undetected for centuries until a team of Dutch archaeologists discovered it in 1923. Thought has been built in the 11th century, Goa Gojah influenced by features statues of Hindu and Buddhist meditation hall and contains secrets to the priests or hermits. The two traditional bathing pools outside the cave containing water is said to have magical properties.
6. Cappadocia Cave Houses, Turkey
Cappadocia is one of 73 provinces during the Republic of Turkey, and has one of the most bizarre and interesting sights in the world. Soil, stone tufa rock formations feature dwarf 'strange volcanic referred to as' Fairy Chimneys' and the underground cities and the building complex was cut from the' tuff 'soft. Many of them are the church, with columns and arches decorate the rock face of a declared natural stone.
7. Ancient Rock City of Matera, Italy
In the ancient rock city of Matera in Italy the southwest, people living in the exact same house that they are not ancestors 9,000 years ago. Matera is created from the rocky ravine and natural caves that many in the area - called the 'Sassi in Matera' - is the first home of the Neolithic inhabitants of the region. Creating a labyrinth of caves home, and it's almost impossible to distinguish the natural rock formations of ancient architecture. The houses seem to grow out of stone with an organic way, creating some of the attractions of what is in the mid-20th century a ghost town. i-dus Matera is primarily the setting for Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of the Christ '.
8. Yungang Grottoes, China
The Yungang Grottoes of Datong in Shanxi province of China consists of 53 caves and 51,000 statues, and is one of China's most beautiful examples of cave art. Buddha on a giant tower that winds visitors through the cave to see many statues in it. Most of the artwork that once inside the caves were stolen in the early 20th century wooden buildings and temples that once protected the caves burned down. So, the site is now in dire need of protection and has been named a UNESCO world heritage site.
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