When the sun is dying and the dead, this star will explode. It was an explosion of this star will burn and spray the solar system with comets, not to mention the Earth.
About five billion years into the future, the sun will run out of hydrogen to burn the core. At that time, the star will turn into a giant red star which eventually blew up a similar atmosphere to the core leaving embers called 'white dwarfs.

University of Cambridge researchers said, through computer simulations, it appears the death throes of the sun will be felt far and wide as clouds in the Ort Cloud comets beyond the orbit of Pluto.
Consequently, the inner planets including Earth would burn up during this phase. However, scientists now believe the impact is much more severe. With the loss of solar mass, gravity will be reduced and the change can throw the object being orbited.
Researchers Dimitri Veras and colleagues say, computer simulations indicate as written UPI, as much as 20% Ort Cloud comets will bombard the planets in the solar system.
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